******? x IKLECTIK
An on-going project showcases queer, diasporic moving images and artist films through multimedia art events✩✮✯ organised by Xinyu XuXX and Yuqing Lin.

IF SPLASH AS YOUR WHISTLE Vol2, ******? is a one-night event featuring 12 works presented by 13 artists, exploring noise as a multi-sensory media through screening, live performance, and sonic sound, connecting bodies in different states.
Jing Zhao @jingzhaofilm
April Lin 林森 @babe__lin
Tia Yoon @tiayooon
Sol Mussa @solmussa
Tam Man Ching Michelle @ching_ching988
Riley Tu @riileytu
Daniel Greenfield-Campoverde @greenfield_campoverde
Olivia Lloyd-Sherlock Arribas
Harmeet Rahal @harmeetrahal
Performance : Song Xin & Rosie Yuan @ueoeaess , Chaney Diao @chaney_dms , Majo Yirou Zhou @__erou
Noise as glitchy element, is often seen as a distracting background sound that should be eliminated from mainstream media projects, it takes on a different meaning during the journey of migration. In this context, noise is formed by the glitches and dislocations between the body and the fluid space it occupies.
The convergence of iris, tactile, and auditory sensations is captured by moving images forming a phantom image skin in the night at IKLECTIK that blurs the boundaries between digital and physical bodies.

BitterSweet Reviews, writtern by Cindy Huang.

Some pics of that day, taken by Janice Kei: